
My daughter is a bright and very motivated student, however, she was struggling academically. She wasn’t failing but she was not performing at the level we knew she was capable of. I knew something was wrong, but could not identify the problem. Katherine is so kind, caring and extremely knowledgeable, and she was quickly able to diagnose the issue and direct us to find the help our daughter needs. She also helped us navigate the school system to make sure our daughter’s needs were met there as well. Our daughter’s condition was completely correctable and if it had not been for Katherine Minton she may well have gone on for years struggling academically and beyond. We are so thankful for her expertise and wholeheartedly recommend her.

Rebecca B., Oregon City, Oregon

We met Dr. Minton two years ago when our counselor referred us to her. Our son was diagnosed with Asperger’s and we were also told that his abilities were low. Though he really struggled in school, we saw many signs that he was bright. Dr. Minton didn’t rush the educational assessment and was very patient so that we could learn more about our son’s strengths and not just about his problems. We found out that many of his abilities are average and higher and we also learned more particulars about his learning disabilities. Dr. Minton guided us to resources and help we didn’t know about in our area. Our son is doing better and our family is happier.

Stephen & Adelle, Vancouver, WA

Dr. Minton has been a gift to our family. Our bright daughter had not learned how to read by 3rd grade. We were told that she was dyslexic and had ADD.  We didn’t want to give her medication, which was all that was suggested. We learned about Katherine’s work and consulted with her by phone and email. She reviewed all of our daughter’s records and a detailed parent questionnaire to see the “big” picture. She recommended a well-qualified specialist in learning-related vision problems.  Our daughter started wearing glasses, did some vision therapy, and worked with a tutor whose credentials were reviewed by Katherine. She gradually began to catch up and is now an honor student in high school.

Laura S.,   Chicago, Illinois

Katherine Minton is the reason my two boys were so successful in middle and high school.  She worked with my sons from middle school to high school graduation. She carefully diagnosed each one’s different academic issues and tailored learning plans to accommodate their individual needs.  She is an incredibly intelligent and caring academic learning specialist. She not only cared about their academic success, but was concerned about their health and mental well being.  We considered Katherine a part of our family.  The skills and knowledge they learned because of Katherine have carried over to their college careers and I know will serve them well for the rest of their adult lives.  I am so thankful that Katherine worked so hard to help my children succeed in school and with life.  <

Diana W.,  Longmont, Colorado

I began working with Katherine in seventh grade. She was very helpful and made a tremendous impact on my school work, which helped me to be accepted by an excellent university, and I have now graduated.  My work that I did with her was constantly at a high level because of the time and energy she put into each of our sessions. Most of all, she is a very nice person who is very patient and is someone you can trust.  Katherine greatly impacted my life and helped make me into the person I am today.

Andrew R.,   Boulder County, Colorado